Dear Readers!
Yesterday I had a “Thelma and Louise” kind of day, The photo above inspired me to go after a lifelong dream! I saw it posted on Facebook and have always dreamed of purchasing say maybe not this one but a vintage Airstream, making it my own, a real Bohemian Rhapsody kind of Pulpwood Queen dream fantasy. Then life got real REAL! I called my dear friend. Pulpwood Queen Tiajuana Neel and asked, “Do you want to go and look for a vintage trailer?”. Screech goes the needle on the record player, what was I thinking? Maybe in my younger days but the first trailer we viewed? Seemed good at the start as we went drove down the East Texas highway to see one I found on sale for $2,000. Right in my budget, right? How bad could it be?
It was bad folks, bad. I took a ton of photos of this 1988 Lynx trailer disaster, none will load. Tiajuana sent me this one, looks nice right? You should have seen the inside. Back roof water damaged, falling in, open top as broken vent and window. The whole thing had been gutted then everything kind of haphazardly thrown and installed back in. Not good my friends, not good.
The piece de la resistance was when I asked if the owner if he had a ladder where I could get up and look at the top to see what was causing the water damage inside. It seems that perhaps the previous owner had misjudged driving under something as a dent in the corner of the top and there was roof damage. The owner said no, so I climbed up on a flatbed trailer nearby to see if I could see while the owner climbed on top of a wrecked mustang. In doing so the top of the car caved in, he lost his balance. He fell butt first onto the front windshield and cracked a nice butt size hole. He jumped up in his flip-flops as we ran to see if he was cut or hurt. Just his pride but you all, this was one redneck moment. All downhill after that and I have to give him credit, he went down to $1300 for the trailer but you could see the dust rolling down the dirt road in our rearview mirror as we peeled away.
Onward, oh “Thelma and Louise”, we were on a mission to find a decent trailer. After another stop, no luck, we were recommended to check out Camper World so we did.
Deshon was introduced as our sales associate and he asked what I was looking for and I asked if he had any used small trailers. “No, but would you like to see some new ones!” We were there so why not? What could looking hurt? That is when my previous lifelong dream of the plan of purchasing a fix up vintage trailer came to a screeching halt. All I can say is when you step up and walk in a brand spanking New trailer that sports such luxury and accouterments, our “Thelma and Louise” mode kicked in. Tiajuana and I hit the accelerator and headed for the cliff! I bought that dream of a Glamper and we are still sailing through the air!
Check out the photos of my dream Glamper!
Not the best photo of me but it had been a long an arduous day. I wish I could post all the photos but still working on that so stay tuned.
Now this camper has all the bells and whistles, wifi and television connections, central air and heat, fridge and freezer, and a full bath with tub and shower. All it needs is my Pulpwood Queen decor touch so stay tuned for the final result. The Pulpwood Queen has a big birthday coming up. 62 you all on August 27, 1956. Big things in my life always happen around my birthday, life-changing events. So I am planning a Pulpwood Queen GLAMPING birthday party at Tyler State Park and calling all my GLAMPING friends to join me. Checking the dates of August 24 – 27th and back soon with all the details. You will be the first to help me christen my New Pulpwood Queen GLAMPER which I have named Mark, in honor of Mark Green who purchased one of my paintings that helped me purchase this GLAMPER! Thanks, Mark and all my art patrons for supporting me on my book reading, art adventure in life. I may not have it completely Pulpwood Queen-ized but it is going to be something to see. I am planning a big birthday cake and then will we drive up to the gas station at the entrance to Tyler State Park for some incredible homemade gelato. Who knew!

Life is amazing and I am all into having this chapter in my life about having some real memory making moments. Some real “girl” time under the stars and East Texas Piney Forest and to sharing our stories. For you see, life is about our relationships folks. The community we have created with the Pulpwood Queens and yes, Timber Guys Book Clubs is for life! We are all connected by sharing our stories and those of the authors that I select. Won’t you join me?
Go to and Click on Membership at top of the page, then if you want the adventure of your life, Click on Girlfriend Weekend to purchase the Pulpwood Queen Package to our 19th Anniversary Girlfriend Weekend, January 17 – 19th at The Fredonia Hotel and Convention Center in historic Nacogdoches, Texas. All our authors will be there, scroll down to see in previous blogs just who all is coming.
The author line up is amazing but what happens at the weekend is life-changing, to say the least. No other book convention in the world do you get to be this up close and personal with the authors as you see, they participate in all we do. From the opening “Mingle and Tingle” cocktail party with “Southern Authors on Writing” panel Thursday night to the two days of Author Panels followed by book signings throughout the day, to the Friday Night Author Dinner where the Authors wait your tables, to our Awards for Best Books of the Year on Saturday afternoon to the Grand Finale, the “Great Big Ball of Hair” Ball that’s theme is HOW THE WEST WAS WON, by reading our great books, of course!
So today as I head to the Social Security office to get all signed up, I am excited about this you all. Senior Citizen discounts too here I come! I plan on showing how the “NIFTY TO BE SIXTY” is done! “Thelma and Louise’ may have driven off the cliff but we are flying high as in everything we do, our authors, their books, promoting literacy and books have given us angel wings! Our halos may slip now and then but we can count on each other for keeping us straight on course to reach for the stars!
Singing, “The Stars at Night, are Big and Bright, Deep in the Heart of Texas!”
Pedal to the metal on all that involves promoting reading!
Kathy L. Murphy
The Pulpwood Queen
To purchase my art-inspired fashions go to!
To purchase my New republished book, go to
P.S. Big Thanks to Deshon, Conrad, and Maria at

- The Pulpwood Queen Talks about Creating and Sharing BEAUTY! - August 20, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Embraces Enchanted Living Magazine! - June 23, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares Her Gratitude for all the Lifelong Friends and Friendships through her 20 years of Running Her Book Club! - June 16, 2021
- The Pulpwood Gives List of Books That She Will Never Forget, 65, in Fact! - June 12, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares Ethan Hawke’s TEDTALK! - June 10, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Celebrates National Women’s Fiction Day! - June 8, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Updates from her Little Cabin in the Woods, Murphy’s Law! - June 5, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares All New Reading Initiatives! - April 26, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Wants to Tell You A Story! - April 1, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Presents now through the end of April, 2022 Virtual Girlfriend Weekend Offer for $99! - March 23, 2021