Dear Readers!
Never in a kazillion year would I have thought that starting my Pulpwood Queens of East Texas Book Club would grow to become the largest “meeting and discussing” book club on the planet. I think that is pretty amazing what began with six complete strangers has grown to 750+ chapters from coast to coast, five in Alaska, and many more outside of the United States.
That first year I invited all the authors I had featured back for an Author Extravangaza under tents in the front yard of my home and business Beauty and the Book. We have evolved with that book club convention too, it’s now called the Pulpwood Queen Girlfriend Weekend Author Extravaganza and it is. We bring into East Texas some of the very best authors in the country. Many are New York Times Bestsellers, like Reavis Wortham, this year’s co-host/Keynote Speaker. One of our favorite regular authors broke the publishing glass ceiling this past year and sold ONE MILLION COPIES of her hardback book, no less. Author, Lisa Wingate will be another Keynote Speaker this year. Many more have gone on to television and film deals like the author, Ann Weisgarber who will also be a Keynote Speaker. Author, River Jordan will also Keynote as her story is so inspirational that I have to share her with the world. Another author, Ann Wertz Garvin runs Bloom, the Tall Poppy Readers who will also be a Keynote. Thrilled to partner with Ann who has nearly 50 authors under her Bloom umbrella that she shares their stories. She’s my SHE-ROE!
Why am I am posting this? Because I think it is important to know here in the South we read too, Big Time. I started this book club in East Texas, not New York City or even Los Angeles, call me the Johnnette Appleseed of planting these books as seeds into the hands of book clubs everywhere. But now what started in East Texas is everywhere.
What is also of note is that you have access to someone of the best authors in the country and you get to hear them ALL! That’s a big deal as I travel to speak at book festivals and I am lucky to get to hear one or two as they are spread out across state capital grounds and other large venue locations.
So I am going to ask ALL of my Facebook friends for a favor, I need you to share this big time, Authors too on all of your social media. To go to the next level as this is our 19th year and now in a pretty swanky but UNIQUE retro venue, The Fredonia Hotel and Convention Center in historic Nacogdoches, Texas. I need people to know about this and to come and see for yourself. It’s amazing and Betty Hunt Koval posted probably one of the best testimonials ever, share it again Betty, (see below her post).
Also, I have authors who have called me back after attending and asked to be invited back again. I’ll never forget the day Author, Pat Conroy came to Girlfriend Weekend or the day he called me back and asked if he could come again. I told him, “But you need a new book, Pat,” knowing that it took him ages to write his southern novels. “Kathy Murphy, I will have a new book for you!” And he did, that book was “My Reading Life” and I will never forget how he told everybody at the convention he wrote that book for The PUlpwood Queens and also because he wanted to bring too his best friend, Bernie Shein so he could see it for himself. We have our tribute Author Dinner that he helped me start, (where our authors wait the tables of the attendees), and our Author Silent Auction proceeds now go to his, not for profit, The Pat Conroy Literary Center. Our Author Dinner this year will feature his and our tribe talking about “Our Prince of Scribes”, authors sharing their stories on the late great Pat Conroy, my reading HERO!
Magic happens every day that you become a Pulpwood Queen reader. Won’t you please join me? I would like to say it gets easier as time goes by and in some ways it does but The PUlpwood Queen is no spring chicken. She has to mainline espresso coffee just to get through the weekend. So calling all book lovers, Pulpwood Queens, Timber Guys, Authors, the perfect place to network with book clubs, everybody, please sign up for membership and for the Pulpwood Queen Packages. Let us show in numbers why this is the best book club in the world and also that we certainly know how to read and support authors in Texas. Go to do just that!
The theme is HOW THE WEST WAS WON and quite frankly, I want to show the world that no matter where you live in this world, we can all find common ground by sharing our stories. The connections made and the things you will learn will carry you through your life’s journey.
God Bless YOU and now plan your trip to the oldest town in Texas,#VisitNacogdoches!
Now check out the fantabulous authors already CONFIRMED to be featured for the weekend with more to be added. I love this book-loving party and yearly reunion, by coming you are supporting this event to continue. 2020 marks our 20th Year! Your attendance ensures that will happen! We are Back In Nac, working program up on blog site on the homepage of website,! Now get your memberships and packages now before the price goes up August 1st!
Tiara Wearing and Pulpwood Queen Girlfriend Weekend Author Extravaganza Sharing,
Kathy L. Murphy
The Pulpwood Queen
To purchase Pulpwood Queen Fashions at
I found it Kathy L. Murphy:
Kathy L. Murphy every time I see another FB author friend post something I think to myself – you have been an avid reader since you could read. NOW you are meeting some of these people who have the talent with words to transport you to another time & country to teach you a part of history you or your family have not experienced. The most recent is Peter Golden’s NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN about his family’s history being Jewish. I know I studied this in history but not like the passion with which he describes. Brenda McClain’s ONE GOOD MAMA BONE” telling so passionately how a woman can raise & love a child gathered by her husband and born of her best friend. Try that!
These are just 2 of the many authors I have met at the Pulpwood Queen Girlfriend Weekend (MLK weekend every January in lovely Nacogdoches, TX). The back stories and meeting and making friends whom you stay in contact with throughout the year by getting FB updates and liking & supporting their author pages. And to be lucky enough to contact via book signings and Skyping with said authors like Jamie Ford at one recent book club meeting. I travel one or two hours when my schedule permits to support these authors – you can tell it means so much to them to see a familiar face in the crowd and to feel the support.
Ladies if you are even questioning ever joining a group of fantastic ladies & gentlemen supporting each other – join or form a Pulpwood Queen book club and make it a point to attend the Girlfriend weekend – I promise you will not be disappointed! Meeting and talking with these authors is so wonderful. Pat Conroy was a favorite and the support he gave the young and just starting authors is still talked about every year. His lovely wife, Cassandra King is equally supportive. One of the most down to earth authors is Janis Owens and dear friend of Pat & Cassandra.
So please join in the fun. My husband came with me 2 years ago and had so much fun he is coming again this year. When I start talking about this to people he adds how much he was amazed and how unexpected he found he liked the experience. Talking about all the authors and them being so down to earth plus just sitting and talking to you and he listened to EVERY SINGLE Panel that weekend. Some even asked about him this past year when he had a conflict and could not attend. He especially liked Fletcher Celeste – even if she is the biggest LSU fan ever!
Ladies feel free to bring your husbands. Unless that is strictly a ladies trips for you! But COME & ENJOY – it is one event I schedule anything around in January. And then I pray hard for good weather because I drive from Alabama to the event. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Kathy & the girls make it a point to make everyone welcome! Come and make some new friends. I have and have never regretted it for one minute! Google Kathy and the Pulpwood Queens for more info!
Happy Reading and check out all the authors on her list! Excellent reads!

- The Pulpwood Queen Talks about Creating and Sharing BEAUTY! - August 20, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Embraces Enchanted Living Magazine! - June 23, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares Her Gratitude for all the Lifelong Friends and Friendships through her 20 years of Running Her Book Club! - June 16, 2021
- The Pulpwood Gives List of Books That She Will Never Forget, 65, in Fact! - June 12, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares Ethan Hawke’s TEDTALK! - June 10, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Celebrates National Women’s Fiction Day! - June 8, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Updates from her Little Cabin in the Woods, Murphy’s Law! - June 5, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares All New Reading Initiatives! - April 26, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Wants to Tell You A Story! - April 1, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Presents now through the end of April, 2022 Virtual Girlfriend Weekend Offer for $99! - March 23, 2021