The Pulpwood Queen Shares BIG NEWS from our Author, Rebecca Rosenberg!
Schedule author Rebecca Rosenberg for your July Pulpwood Queens Meeting!
I am tickled to death that the Pulpwood Queen herself, Kathy L. Murphy selected THE SECRET LIFE OF MRS. LONDON for the July read! Schedule your Facetime, Skype or Zoom bookclub meetings now and email your date/time request to me at rebecca@rebecca-rosenberg. Several meetings are scheduled already!
Bookclubs who schedule a meeting before June 1, will receive bookmarks and small lavender sachets for all members from my lavender farm in Sonoma!
All Pulpwood Queens who schedule a meeting with me will be entered for Breathless Sparkling Wine, autographed book, Sonoma lavender candle, Sonoma lavender bubble bath, Sonoma lavender hand cream and lavender foot balm set!
THE SECRET LIFE OF MRS. LONDON has been nominated for the BEST FIRST NOVEL for the Center for Fiction. It is based on the love triangle between Harry Houdini, famed author, Jack London and the remarkable woman they both loved, Charmian London.
THE SECRET LIFE OF MRS. LONDON, by Rebecca Rosenberg
San Francisco, 1915. As America teeters on the brink of world war, Charmian and her husband, famed novelist Jack London, wrestle with genius and desire, politics and marital competitiveness. Charmian longs to be viewed as an equal partner who put her own career on hold to support her husband, but Jack doesn’t see it that way…until Charmian is pulled from the audience during a magic show by escape artist Harry Houdini, a man enmeshed in his own complicated marriage. Suddenly, charmed by the attention Houdini pays her and entranced by his sexual magnetism, Charmian’s eyes open to a world of possibilities that could be her escape.
What readers are saying:
“Brilliantly written. I LOVED this historical novel about Charmian London, a pioneer in the feminist movement during her own time.” – Pamela S., Amazon Review
“This is a story of love and ambition, seen through the eyes of the lovely Charmian, a sympathetic but complex heroine with unusual vitality and secret ambitions of her own.” -Annemc, Amazon Review
“A sweeping story of intrigue, passion, loss, and love, Rebecca Rosenberg has crafted a captivating historical novel that kept me up way too late at night.” -JHL, Amazon Reviews
All the Best,
Rebecca Rosenberg
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Truly, Tiara Wearing and Book Sharing,
Kathy L. Murphy
Founder of the Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Club Reading Nation

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