Thank you for your consideration. Happy new year!
Be well,
Now everybody check out his website, www.storiesthatempower.com, and welcome to the wonderful world of people giving and sharing. I love the Pablo Picasso quote that Sean Farjadi has on his Facebook page. Once you hear his voice, you will tune in again and again and again to hear all the stories that empower us, so many from our International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Club Authors. He is putting a whole lot of good out into the world, tune in for his podcasts. I will be sharing them too.
So won’t you come to our annual book club convention?
I know going virtual and online is out of your comfort zone for our Zoomathon but if I can do it anybody can. One of our authors, Douglas Thompson who does huge Zoom meetings every day with his business, is going to be sharing tips for all of you for Zoom. Download the Zoom app on your phone or laptop, it’s free. Youtube offers wonderful training videos that I have watched over and over to get me up to par on the technology we are all going to have to use to stay connected from now on and into the future. It’s a new century and things are changing really fast. The “old dog” or should I say Kat is learning some new tricks and I am happy too to help you all, all the way.
The full program is up on our Girlfriend Weekend page on our website, www.thepulpwoodqueens.com. I also will be changing our ONLINE International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Clubs back to Tuesday nights, 7:00 p.m. this year where the first of the month I will will feature our Author and Book of the Month, then each week our Bonus Book Club Selection Authors. Zoom meeting links will be posted on my International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Club Reading Nation page.
Every Saturday night at 6:30 p.m. C.S.T. will be our International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Film Club Pre-Shows before showcased films. Zoom meeting links will be posted on our International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Club Reading Facebook page which is now our ONLY page that I am posting news for you on.
You can also email me at thepulpwoodqueen@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Here we go for the biggest book club convention I have ever done, four days and four nights of events and many of the programs are geared too towards budding writers and authors. Thank you for supporting this event as more work than I ever imagined but so worth it. We have never had this much access to so many incredible authors, presenters, Keynotes, Moderator Bloggers, and Special Guests. The authors so deserve our participation, I cannot thank them enough.
Last links to the individuals who sign up will be sent early morning for each day. The Zoom links are not to be shared as only the individuals who have paid will have access to the programs. All events are going to be recorded and downloaded on to my Kathy L. Murphy Channel on YouTube. You will need to SUBSCRIBE by clicking the red SUBSCRIBE button it’s free. Those who purchase the package will be able to watch all the programs at their leisure after the event. Later they will be made public but those who pay get first access to all the content of the program.
There will be no time for question and answer during the event. These programs are for you to watch and enjoy from home in your jammies. You will not even be on screen as the focus is on the speaker and or the panel or workshop. The full program is up on our website too, as well as the full reading list.
All books of those presenting can be purchased from Shari Stauch at Main Street Reads in Summerville/South Carolina atwww.mainstreetreads.com and everyone is sending bookplates so not only will you receive a 10% discount, you will receive an autographed book or books. Shari has been carrying our books and selling them for years so order your books from the independent bookstore owner who not only runs a Pulpwood Queen chapter in Summerville/Charleston, South Carolina but carries our books too. She will be featured at the weekend with a panel of authors.
Last there will be a LIVE ONLINE Auction of autographed personal donated items from Authors attending during the event. The auction site is set up at www.charityauctionstoday.com/
auctions/PQ-PCLC2021-19645. All proceeds from the auction will go to The Pat Conroy Literary Center in Beaufort, South Carolina. Here is my Acrylic/Alcohol Ink painting that I have donated “Aquarmarine Dreams” on 30″ by 36″ Museum Gesso Board, 2″ deep ready to install. This painting was created inspired by photographs of the ocean when I was visiting and speaking at The Pat Conroy LowCountry Book Club Festival that our book club sponsored. So back to work today on the weekend, right now working around the clock to make sure this event is the best it can be. Do note some things could change due to circumstances beyond my control and the event package price is non-refundable and final. I am actually having a Zoom test meeting with all authors, etc, the Sunday prior to the event to make sure we all are connected. Thank you to Mandy Haynes, Paul Roberson, and all who helping me make this event possible for all of you!
Happy New Year, your Queen,Kathy L. Murphy
CEO and /Founder of The International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book ClubsAuthor of “The Pulpwood Queens’ Tiara Wearing, Book Sharing Guide to Life”P.O. Box 1220Hawkins, Texas 75765 – 1220Designer at www.shopvida.com/collections/thepulpwoodqueenArtist at www.decorateornate.comBookshop at www.bookshop.org/Shop/ThePulpwoodQueenBookShop

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