Today has been a little surreal as a tornado had a direct hit on my hometown of Eureka, Kansas. You can usually see them coming if it’s daylight but this time the siren sounded and one minute later it hit at 7:21 p.m. My own mother told me it sounded exactly like a freight train running through her house. She is fine as all my family. A huge limb fell but missed the house and the big oak completely came uprooted from my sister’s front yard but fell sideways so did not hit the house at all. My cousin, Cindy Suander’s Copper Kettle may still be without electricity but knowing Cindy, she’s got the Kettle open somehow, someway.
What is ironic is that Eureka’s mascot is the tornado. To think an actual tornado hit my town on the night of my Eureka High School graduation back in May of 1974, many hit since then and one just two years ago almost to the day. My family went to the basement of my churches parsonage cattycorner from our house but most had already arrived and were taken below the auditorium to the boiler room and was it ever hot. I think it is hotter there today as the temperatures are to rise to around 110 this week with high humidity. Eight people were injured in this recent hit, one is in critical condition. I am devastated as my hometown has been hit hard through the years and now this.
So right now I am tired, been up most of the night checking on family, watching as the new morning light brought everything into light including the hard-hit Eureka High School, stadium and track, see Tornado Alley sign.
God Bless Everybody, remember that our lives are so much more important than any possession and pray for these folks. Kansans are wonderful people who keep it simple, a handshake is their bond, and they are always more than helpful. You’ll always get a wave or nod of a hat on the road and always are there to lend a helping hand.
So calling it a day, going to bed with the chickens as tomorrow is my Runway at the Garden Fashion Show in Gladewater. Up early as still lots to do to get ready.
Happy Trails and hopefully much happier tales,
Kathy L. Murphy reporting on her hometown of Eureka, home literally of the Eureka Tornados

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