Artists, Kathy L. Murphy and Alisa Free
Dear Readers,
Our first day of my Pulpwood Queen Pop-Up “Warrior Goddess” Art and Fashion Book Tour was all about ART! We arrived at the home of Artist, Alisa Free and after a divine lunch in Collierville, went to her Gallery Exhibition “Finding Center” at the Morton Museum of Collierville History. I immediately felt right at home as the building was the former Christian Church and a sanctuary now for artists. Alisa Free creates an abstract mixed media work using color, layering and texture. Free’s work is inspired by mood, shape, and found objects which are all reflected in this exhibition – a true manifestation of expression.
Alisa Free began expressing her creativity as a child growing up in the flatlands of the Mississippi Delta, and since then the practice has taken many forms. After graduating from Delta State University with a degree in fine arts, she pursued graphic design and marketing for much of her professional career. Recently, she made the decision to Leave the traditional workforce in order to refocus and cultivate a more inspired, creative life. She lives and works in her home near the Historic Collierville Town Square.
Alisa Free and I go way back to our Barron’s Book days. I was the Children’s Manager/Buyer and Alisa did all the graphics for everything pertaining to both their stores in both Longview, Texas and Shreveport. We share a love of books, music, and truly all the arts and one of my closest and dearest friends. Time spent in her studio working with her is some of the best as though we have different styles in our painting, we both have the same common goal of sharing beauty in this world.
Here are the works from her exhibition and from this wonderful church, now museum in Collierville, which is one of the most beautiful spots on this planet to live and visit.
Artist Alisa Free, Kathy L. Murphy, and Tiajuana Anderson Neel celebrating Alisa’s Exhibition AND her Honorable Mention recent win at the Spring Juried Exhibition of her work “Rallonger on Raccourcici”! MemPops and for me a Blackberry Lemon Mint popsicle, yum!
From this event we traveled to the Crosstown Arts at to view the Pinkney Herbert Exhibition, Distilled: The Narrative Transformed Curated by Sam Yates, Martin & David Lusk in Collaboration with Crosstown Arts.
A video of Alisa Free’s Exhibition and the Pickney Herbert Exhibition is up on my Kathy L. Murphy Facebook page.
Last night I shared all my art I had brought into Alisa’s Studio then we just caught up all the while checking out the artwork of her husband Mark Free who was in the thros of a very unique workshop. Good Times with good friends. I’ll post more when I get home but hitting the high spots for now!
On the road again soon for Nashville, as having a lunch in my honor with authors, River Jordan and Brenda McClain. I will also be presenting River Jordan with her commisioned “Queen” portrait too. Stay tuned for more “Warrior” Goddess” Adventures!
Truly, Tiara Wearing, Art, Fashion, and Book Sharing.
Kathy L. Murphy
The Pulpwood Queen and to email:
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