Pulpwood Queen Book Club Author of the Month, Romalyn Tilghman of “o The Stars Through Difficulties”
Dear Readers,
Last night began the East Texas Tour of our Author of the Month, Romalyn Tilghman for our Book of the Month, “To The Stars Through Difficulty”. The Friends of the Jefferson Carnegie Library and The Pulpwood Queens of Northeast Texas, my charter chapter formerly, The Pulpwood Queens of East Texas hosted the event. Romalyn had a very nice crowd and we learned a lot and she has quite a story. First the wonderful history of The Jefferson Carnegie Library and of course, the wonderful presentation on Romalyn on the backstory on her story of the women who ran the Andrew Carnegie Libraries.
Enjoy the photos of the incredible refreshments that tied in the with book and table decorations also. Good to see all my old friends and you can tell in the photos and now TONIGHT Romalyn will be speaking at the Mount Pleasant Public Library with Head Librarian Helen Thomspon and The Pulpwood Queens of Mount Pleasant. Scroll down for the full schedule and Happy Summer Reading. We are off to a fantastic start!
Author, Romalyn Tilghman, Kathy L. Murphy, and Pulpwood Queen Leah Cooper
Thank you for reading and two more events with my book clubs and authors today so come back tomorrow to read that post. You can also now subscribe to this blog by clicking button on upper right side. So on the road for reading!
Tiara Wearing, Author and Book Sharing,
Kathy L. Murphy
Founder of The Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Reading Nation, over 750+ chapters an no end in sight! Join our book club TODAY at www.thepulpwoodqueens.com and if you scroll down check out who is coming to our annual book club convention. Once a member you may purchase your package for that too before the price goes up this summer on our website, Click Girlfriend Weekend on the top menu bar.
Email: thepulpwoodqueen@gmail.com
The official website, www.thepulpwoodqueens.com
To purchase my art inspired Fashions for home and YOU, including NEW Pulpwood Queen “In the Pink” attire, to www.ShopVida.com/collections/thepulpwoodqueen!

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