Dear Readers,
Making this short and sweet as leaving before rooster crows tomorrow morning for my Pulpwood Queen “Warrior Goddess” Art and Fashion Tour. Toyota FJ Cruiser packed at Tiajuana Anderson Neels now so we can hit the road!
Today we did our last two events with our Author of the Month, Romalyn Tilghman of “To the Stars Through Difficulties! Though a smaller crowd at Barnes and Noble first, then the Tyler Public Library, those that did attend were very enthusiastic and Pulpwood Queens you all from Nacogdoches and Tyler, Texas. Thank you for coming and all the NEW wonderful readers that we met and to the incredible and welcoming staff at both venues. Here are the photos, enjoy!
Original Longview Carnegie Library
Truly, had a great time with Romalyn Tilghman at all her events, I see really great things to come with this book and the next one that she is working on now.
Kathy L. Murphy
Email: thepulpwoodqueen@gmail.com
My art inspired Home and Fashion Designs at www.ShopVida.com/collections/thepulpwoodqueen

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