If you would like to submit a guest post to this blog, follow the instructions below for consideration.
Only Pulpwood Author Members will be allowed to guest post for our community. The guest post can either be an op-ed piece or a topical article in the topics listed below.
Only guest posts that meet these criteria will be considered for publishing.
- The post must be useful to the readers of this blog.
- The post must be a minimum of 1,000 words and no more than 3,000 words
- The post must be in the following topics
- Becoming an author
- How to write a book and subtopics
- How to get an agent
- How to get traditionally published
- How to self-publish a book
- How to market a book
- How to get press
- General topics about the publishing industry
- How to grow a book club
- The post must be grammatically correct and well-written.
- The post must not be entirely self-promotional.
- The post may contain links to established, google approved websites like Wikipedia, Youtube etc… but all other links will be checked.
- If you have a specific resource on your website/blog that you want to link to that will be accepted in the article itself.
- The post may include links to your website/blog in a brief author’s bio (approximately 3 sentences), which will be published at the end of the guest post.
- Guest posts must be original and may not have been published elsewhere online already. All submissions will be verified for originality using a tool such as Copyscape.com or Plagium.com.
- Guest Post must have a title and a brief summary (1 to 3 sentences) of what the article is about attached to the submission
Guest posts that are approved for publishing will be published without notice. Please check the blog periodically to see if your post has been published.
We will publish one or two guest posts a week and they will be posted in the order they are received.
If you would like to guest post, please email us at pulpwoodqueensbookclub@gmail.com