Dear Readers,
Ever since the Covid pandemic virus hit and we have been social distancing, I have been filling my nights with watching films. Old films, new films, favorite films, and now been exploring the incredible storytelling of the films of Bollywood and India, Pakistan, Turkey, the Middle East, truly, films from all around the world.
Days have been spent reading, writing, working on my art but at the end of the day, my eyes have been shot. So I turned out the lights, popped some popcorn, poured myself a big Texas size glass of unsweet tea and settled in for the story to take me someplace other than where I have been living in self-imposed house arrest due to age, heath, to protect myself and other for the past now going on two years.
In the midst of my umpteen Shah Rukh Kahn film watching , it dawned on me I wanted to talk to somebody, anybody about the actor and film I just watched, “Swades”, “Billu”, “Fan”, “Zero”, “Ra One”, just to name a few. I do believe that Shah Rukh Kahn is the first person in my life that I have ever gone from not knowing one thing about this mega movie star to watching his television and films from the very beginning of his career to today. Absolutely the most fascinating thing I have ever done in my life and I wanted to talk to somebody about the storytelling in these films.
Thus, I launched my International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book and Film Club. First, I would just talk about a film I had watched and perhaps books that tie into the film or the film was based on. This evolved into having authors whose books went to film that Cathryn Michon and her husband, Bruce Cameron to television writer Loraine Despres. She wrote for all those 80’s sitcoms like “Dynasty”, “Dallas” and even wrote the episode of “Who Shot J.R?”, one of the most iconic television watching programs of all time. Oh, this was so, so much fun! To hear the stories behind the stories of all those involved in this films had me totally engaged, perhaps others would be too.
Having that conversation with film directors, actors and actresses, authors books to films was so much fun. In the first ten minutes I started this Book to Film Club fifty two people signed up. Not long later I had over 2,000 who were looking for entertainment. I began posting these Pre-shows of suggested films to watch on my Kathy L. Murphy Channel for others to watch. Please SUBSCRIBE, like, share, and click on the little bell icon on the upper right hand corner to get future notifications.
So many people on board but few were responding to comments. Then author, Robert Gwaltney starting sharing comments. I had found another true film buff. I could talk to this man for ever and I do. We have Coffee Time Zoom chats with other authors and just ourselves so I took this leap of faith and asked him if he would be my co-host for our Book to Film Club.
Robert Gwaltney said YES!
Here is Robert’s bio as follows:
Robert Gwaltney, a writer of southern fiction, is a graduate of Florida State University. He resides in Atlanta, Georgia with his partner, where he is an active member of the Atlanta literary community. By day, he serves as Vice President of Easter Seals North Georgia, Inc., Children Services, a non-profit supporting children with disabilities and other special needs. Robert’s work has appeared in such publications as The Signal Mountain Review and The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature. Robert also serves as Prose Editor for The Blue Mountain Review. His debut novel, “The Cicada Tree”, will be released January 21, 2022.
I am also happy to announce this as his book “The Cicada Tree” was some time back read and also happy to announce it will be our February 2022 Official Book of the Month as it releases the end of January 2022. This is probably one of the most gorgeous and eye catching covers, I hope it wins all the awards for Best Cover Design. Then do you know what, he made a book trailer with no other than our dear author, Claire Fullerton doing the narrative. If this does not want you read the book then I do not know what does. It’s magnificent!
Nobody is happier about this than me because nothing, absolutely nothing is more fun and entertaining to me than sharing a love of something I am passionate about, whether it is reading books, creating art, or talking about a film all together. Won’t you join us this and every Saturday night, 6:30 p.m. CST, 7:30 p.m. EST this week we our Pre-Show will be Robert and I talking about one of our favorite films, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” starring Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman with the original written by now other than Tennessee Williams. Members email me at to get sent the Zoom Meeting Link for this event on Saturday night.
This choice of film is also to celebrate this starting March 24th the annual Tennessee Williams Literary Festival. Beside my own Girlfriend Weekend Book Club Convention, this too is one of my absolute favorites author events to attend. I will be attending events online and virtual and hope you will join me at
Robert Gwaltney is on Facebook so please congratulate him there. The possibilities and discussion are endless with Robert involved. I am thrilled and so excited for this Saturday night! Join The International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys TODAY at We offer multiple types of memberships for readers, authors, publishers, and publicists. The membership is annual and renews each year automatically to keep you in our ever growing data base.
Thank you for now over 20 years of book club support and the community of readers that we have built has brought me the best relationships in my life. Just think, just a short time ago Robert Gwaltney signed up to attend my first virtual and online book club convention and now he is going to be the co-host of my Book and Film Club. Reading books bring you the best of friends, join us today!
Truly, Tiara Wearing, Book and Film Sharing,
Kathy L. Murphy
CEO and Founder of The Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Book Club Reading Nation

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