Dear Readers,
This past weekend Pulpwood Queen Tiajuana Anderson Neel and I traveled to Stephanie Chance’s Decorate Ornate as my 4th year invited to be featured during the City of Gladewater, Texas, ArtStroll and Wine Swirl. See the previous post for that photo montage. While we were there we meet old friends and made some new ones including the author/artist, Phebe Phillips, and Mac Hargrove. Did we have a great time!
Phebe has a great children’s book “WHY ME?: Postive Verse for Loss & Sadness for ages 3 and up and I LOVE IT! She signed my book, “To Kathy, Love, Love, and Always Love, Phebe” and that is pretty much the message I received from meeting these new friends. Phebe Phillips is going to be a vendor at Girlfriend Weekend and can be described as Phebe Phillips—Author, Podcaster, Felt Artisan, Cat Lover, and Turquoise Wearer. Everything you need to know about Phebe and her incredible world can be found at and it is a real treasure trove. Her opening page states this,
“Hi, and welcome to my site! While I’m best known for my whimsical plush toys that filled the shelves at Neiman Marcus and other retailers for 25 years, my life has now shifted into new, diverse creativity. The newest is my first book, Why Me? Positive Verse for Loss and Sadness. Click on each window below to catch a glimpse into my past, present, and future worlds.”
Phebe will also be bringing her felt creations and her husband, Mac Hargrove artisan turquoise jewelry, are we in for a treat!
So everybody check it out! And do note, that now we have three members of our book club that were Yamboree Queens of Gilmer, Texas, Sarah Gilow, Robin Howard, and NOW Phebe Phillips! Wear your literary promoting crown proudly!
Also sharing that this month I am asking that in lieu of presents for my birthday I am requesting your presence in my book club and at our annual Pulpwood Queen Girlfriend Weekend! Go to and Click first Membership to go to button to join, the Click on Girlfriend Weekend, both at top of the menu bar on home page. This is going to be a really big year and I cannot tell you how much I have put into the planning so please be present!
For the rest of the summer I have been invited to Pulpwood Queen Book Club chapters to present my Pop-up Art, Fashion and Book Presentation beginning this Thursday night, August 16th with The Pulpwood Queens of Collin County, Texas, (Dallas) at 6:30 p.m.The Red Gate Inn Bed & Breakfast. Everybody is to bring a covered dish and be ready to discuss our book of the month, “The Gentleman from Moscow” by Amor Towles! I’ll have my art, fashions and NEW relaunched edition of my book below:
I also will be hosting a Pulpwood Queen Birthday Bash for myself at Tyler State Park, Texas, August 24th – 27th, scroll down to see the post on my launching my NEW GLAMPER to visit all of you. It’s a come and go but on Saturday I will have my birthday cake! Camping Lakeside so you won’t be able to miss my Pulpwood Queen sign like my book club above!
That same birthday day of August 27, Mark my Glamper, Tiajuana Anderson Neel, and I will be traveling to my former hometown of historic Jefferson, Texas to visit my charter chapter, The Pulpwood Queens of East Texas for another Pop-up Art, Fashion, and Book Tour. I can think of no better place to celebrate my birthday than with all my girlfriends in Jefferson! Email me at for time and address for that meeting.
If that is not at all possible, please donate to The Pat Conroy Literacy Center in Beaufort, South Carolina. This has been my charity of choice since we lost my favorite author in the world to pancreatic cancer. I do an Author Silent Auction at Girlfriend Weekend each year where ALL the proceeds go to this not-for-profit and so important to this world! I have this fundraiser posted on Facebook but you can go to to donate too!
So now it’s back to painting as working on all the commissioned portraits I need to get done a.s.a.p.
Truly, Tiara Wearing, Art, Book, and Fashions Sharing,
Kathy L. Murphy
Author of “The Pulpwood Queens’ Tiara Wearing, Book Sharing Guide to Life” at
Artist at and on my Kathy L. Murphy Artist Facebook page and The Pulpwood Queen Artist page
Art-inspired fashions at

- The Pulpwood Queen Talks about Creating and Sharing BEAUTY! - August 20, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Embraces Enchanted Living Magazine! - June 23, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares Her Gratitude for all the Lifelong Friends and Friendships through her 20 years of Running Her Book Club! - June 16, 2021
- The Pulpwood Gives List of Books That She Will Never Forget, 65, in Fact! - June 12, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares Ethan Hawke’s TEDTALK! - June 10, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Celebrates National Women’s Fiction Day! - June 8, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Updates from her Little Cabin in the Woods, Murphy’s Law! - June 5, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Shares All New Reading Initiatives! - April 26, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Wants to Tell You A Story! - April 1, 2021
- The Pulpwood Queen Presents now through the end of April, 2022 Virtual Girlfriend Weekend Offer for $99! - March 23, 2021